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Mission Statement uses funds for creative projects through education and "hands on" workshops mentoring women, to breakthrough walls setting them free by the power of love.


We believe creativity is the fabric of a woman's soul.


In the heart of every woman a space awaits to birth creativity. All creativity is God-breathed; when discovered, hope springs and walls tumble. We are a "hub". A gathering of women worldwide connecting our strengths and weaknesses with women isolated by trauma and poverty.


What does this "hub" look like?

Just as frequent fliers or "globe trotters" travel thru various cities or hubs to make connecting flights we plan on visiting various women's projects we want to serve.  We endeavor to make connections with women who are going from one point to another but need to find a place of convergence or dream space where they can gather. A room filled with ideas where one's strength leads to help another's weakness. This "hub" can be like a spoke on the wheel where together the movement begins. 


Women are created to create!

Women were made to create.  We carry in our DNA stories of heroic bravery. Where are the Tamar's, abused, molested and the harlots like Rehab? What about the story of Ruth the widow who had lost everything, her country, husband and yet becomes the mother of a soon to be king?  We will identify women whose stories have not been told, the forgotten ones.   We must go to the widows and women often exploited and bent down by life. It is our obligation to rebuild their inside walls as well as sustain and create a safe place to abide.


Repair. Restore. Rebuild.


Contagious creativity empowers women to heal.


It inoculates compassion by touching hearts so they can weave love and inspiration into their story.  Engage with us at one of our creative workshops, faith adventures, business projects where love can touch one woman at a time.


Africa, Haiti and Israel touching women, healing hearts...

A reader's recipe inspired from Love Knocks.

Gather your ingredients:  
1 heart of love
Dash of salt of the earth
1 packet of hope
1 qt. water from the river of life
Faith to taste

Choose a heart that is full of love, ripe and juicy.  Peel it first so it is tender.  Sprinkle with salt and let it sit to sweat.  
in a separate bowl, add packet of hope and stir in the water of life.  
When the heart is ready to receive it, place it in the hope mixture. Gently mix, when you see your heart become plump.  Remove and leave it to rise for a season.  
Now have faith that your heart will absorb the exact amount of hope it needs to rise and multiply so that your heart will overflow with enough love to nurture those around you.

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